Check out our latest App for android phones! We developed this app to track vehicle maintenance, servies, and fuel usage.
TCP develops medical books for the Nursing and Allied Health Care disiplines. We also develop the software or online learning to supplement the book. This media can be exams, videos, audio, pictures, texual content or games, and can be deployed either via DVD, online, or through a mobile app.
Over the years, TCP has diversed itself into doing other applications and assisted other company's with programming support. For example, assisting Otterstream Inc. with their effort to connect to SCORM compliant Learning Management Systems (LMS) and other special customer requirments that require complex javascript and html.
In addition, TCP has begun to develop Marine applications such as captains logs, and maintenance record keeping for vehicles/boats for deployment on mobile devices taking advantage of the GPS and other sensors on these devices.
We have a number of highly qualified individuals with talents such as editing, video filming and editing, audio, instructional design, coding, and medical personal.
So give us a call or email, let us know if we can be of service to you!
Click a subject to learn more about Kathryn:
Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing - Cum laude graduate May 1979 - West Virginia University
Master’s of Science in Vocational Education - Cum laude graduate January 1991 - Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Kathy has presented at over 200 state, national, and corporate sponsored conferences since 1995 including the National Health Curriculum Conference, Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) National conference, Health Occupations Students of American (HOSA) Conference, Creative Teaching for Nursing Educators, ABHES Annual National Conference on AlliedHealth Education, and various other agency, corporate, and educational sponsored workshops.
![]() | The target audiance for this book is high school students interested in learning about the health care field
![]() | The target audiance for this book is high school students interested in learning about the health care field
![]() | The target audiance for this book is high school students interested in learning about the health care field
![]() | The target audiance for this book is high school students interested in learning about the health care field
![]() | The target audiance for this book is high school students interested in learning about the health care field
CDROM Title: Health Care Basics CDROM was TCP's first product. This was developed in 1995 and purchased by Mosby Lifeline. TCP developed this product for both Windows and Mac computers.
Developed online training (computer simulation training) for the ADEERS cancer reporting software. The simulation software was designed to look exactly like the ADEERS online reporting for training medical facilities on how to report adverse events on cancer treatment trials. TCP worked as a sub to CTIS but the entire project was developed by TCP.
CDROM Title: Dental Instrument Identification CDROM/Book. This product was developed by TCP and Melanie Mitchell. After a few years of distribution by TCP, LWW asked if they could distribute this software for TCP. LWW is also distributing another TCP pocket guide and CDROM called "Clinical Primer."
TCP built an entire training program for the proper use and need for Kendall TED stockings.
TCP provides ongoing programming support to Otterstream Inc since 2002 in their development of on-line training courses and course integration into SCORM compliant Learning Management Systems. Assistance includes Flash action script, HTML5, javascript and linking the API's to successfully communicate with the customer based SCORM Learning Management Systems (LMS).
TCP provides ongoing programming support to Otterstream Inc since 2002 in their development of on-line training courses with course integration into SCORM Learning Management Systems. Assistance includes Flash action script, HTML5, javascript, ASP and linking the API's to successfully communicate with the customer's SCORM compliant Learning Management System (LMS).
Developed training software for CDROM deployment as well as Instructor CDROMs for the following books:
These CDROMs included exams, videos, audio dictionaries, virtual learning experiences, bookmarking, games, and were capable of emailing results to instructors.
In conjunction with Bruce Colbert, TCP developed a CDROM title called: Navigating Your Future: Interactive Journey to Personal and Academic Success.
TCP developed numerous CDROM Titles which were very popular in the late 90 and early 2000. These CDROMs included Instructor CDROMs and were designed to be networked in classroom labs. These titles include:
Click a topic to view more:
Flash (actionscript 2 and 3)
Video editing - Adobe Premere
Audio editing - Adobe Soundbooth
Database - MYSQL and SQL
Mobile apps for Android and IOS
Different Intelligences
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Select a button below to view a screen:
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This screen is where the member enters his Harley Owners Group (HOG). After entering this password, the user gets to select from their list of vehicles they have entered. We can also push news items to the app as you can see in the 'Ride to Maine' and 'Oct 21 Fairgrounds show.' |
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Once the HOG number has been entered, you can now see the list of vehicles that the member is keeping maintenance records on. All data is stored in the cloud so it is safe if the phone is lost or stolen. |
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After selecting the vehicle, the member is show the main menu. From here the member can select the category they wish to enter data, or view a report. |
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Entering the fuel report is made as easy as it can be. Enter the miles, location, gallons, cost, and Date. To make it easier, the location utilizes the GPS to aquire the longitude and latitude and then translates it to the address automatially. A date calender pops up for your date, and the miles per gallon is automatically calculated for you in the fuel report (screen shot below). |
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A scrolling report is available to you at anytime, with the most important information in the title bar. |
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This screen displays the detailed fuel report. Similar information is available on all maintenance reports. The location field can track other information, for example, if you were pulling a trailer, or weather conditions, basically anything you want to put in the locations field will be stored for future reference. |
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This services screen can store a wealth of information. Here you can see part numbers, description of the service, where it was done, the cost and everything else you need to keep good maintenace records. You can at anytime enter your email address and you will be sent an email of your records for offline viewing! |